Sunday, August 16, 2009

New Zealand Schools/Movies

The kids are finally back in school. Today, Monday, is the start of their first full week. Last week they went only 3 days. Since they are only a few weeks out from being done with the third quarter, Kelsey was unable to get into culinary classes. She ended up taking a "gimme an A" class, Life Skills. Let's see, they watched The Ring and Step Brothers. Really? She said that math and science is pretty close to what they were doing half way through the year last year. That's a good sign. From what I can tell there is limited social pressure. In her words, "The girls and boys stay away from each's like 4th grade when you think boys have cooties." Mike and I did a jig....hehehe.....The kids date, but at school they pretty much stay away from each other. Kelsey was invited to a birthday party on Friday night. It was a costume party which seems to be common. Kelsey just put on all of her funky volleyball shorts and put up her hair. The kids thought she was some New Zealand singer so she went with it.

Marty's school is laid back as well. When I went in to speak to the class about diabetes, they all said in unison "Good Morning Mrs. Porter." Funny....just like in the movies. He said the same as Kelsey that they are pretty much doing what he was doing half way through the year. They play a lot of sport in grade school. He just missed basketball where they went on to win the championship. (they compete with the other schools like you would see in our High Schools and some Junior Highs) On his first day they had tryouts for cross country. If he was in the top 8 of his grade he would go on to the next meet. He got 7th, but went to get a drink instead of taking his place on the bench. Needless to say, he lost his spot. He said it was fine, he just wanted to see if he could do it.

The administration at both schools have been wonderful. They were very easy to get along with and accommodating. I will tell you the one thing that is super don't wear shoes. The primary kids, a lot of them go barefoot all day. And if you see the college kids (high school) outside doing PE...they are all barefoot. The bare feet doesn't only apply to schools either...I have seen them in the banks and grocery stores. And while it's mostly kids, there are adults too.

The best part for us as parents so far??? UNIFORMS!!!! No stomping today, but boy howdy last week was rough with Kelsey. She hates the whole stockings and Frankenstein shoes. Oh and the little to no make-up and no jewelry. LOOOOOVVVVEEE IT!!!!!!!

Marty has his regular uniform and then his PE uniform. On Wednesday's they get to wear their PE uni all day. He has his socks pulled down....they go to his knees and they have red stripes at the top. (kind of like old school NBA socks)

The Movie Fiasco
Last night we had a bit of an eye opener. Since it was Sunday, we did what we normally do and eat a large meal around lunch time. Watched some Ghost Hunters on the computer and then headed off to watch the much anticipated movie District 9. In the US your kids can see any movie rated R and under as long as the parents are with. Not here. If the movie is rated PG 13 or PG 16 that is the age you have to be and older to get in, even if you have birth certificates in hand to prove you are the parents. DANG!!! I would understand if it was a movie full of sex and senseless killing....but this one has foul language and some blowin up. The kids were NOT happy. And the buying of ice cream didn't smooth things over either. I guess the good thing is we will watch more movies at home. The only problem with that is having to wait for them to come out. The kids better hope Transformers 3 is rated just PG....or Momma is leaving them home.

Coming Up: Pictures of the house and what we have to do to get our belongings.

1 comment:

  1. And YES those are my clothes drying on a rack in front of Marty.
