Monday, January 25, 2010

Is Summer Over Already? (not quite)

But I am sure the kids feel like that's the case. Their summer vacation ends next Tuesday. School starts the following Wednesday and I am sure Mike and I will be doing a jig. Well, part of me will. I am happy they are starting school again, not so happy for the return of school routines. Kelsey will be entering her last year of college (high school for you Americans). I can't believe it. I really can't believe it. In New Zealand you can graduate after year 12 (11th grade) if you plan on going to tertiary school. As most of you know, Kelsey wants to be a pastry that's the direction she will be heading. Marty is going into year 6 (5th grade). I am hoping that he has a good year. I wasn't impressed at all with his level of work last year. However, both of us liked his teacher and he HAD already completed that year in the States so I let it go. Hopefully this year will be more challenging...hopefully. We haven't tried on uniforms yet. I am sure Kelsey's are fine, but Marty's might be another story. He has grown about an inch over the summer. I think waist wise, his shorts will fit. However, he might look like he is wearing running shorts. Oh well, I am sure he won't be the only kid wearing too short shorts. (hopefully)

The kids have managed to stay really busy this summer. As a family we haven't done much other than doing some day hikes, playing games and watching movies. Marty has been going to summer camp for the last 3 weeks. He has done a lot and is always excited to tell me his adventures at the end of the day. He has gone on a fishing boat, sailing, BMXing, Tree Top adventures (that up high, "yeah I trust you" stuff), and a lot of swimming, ping pong and dodge ball. He has been busy, so he has been happy. Marty is a lot like Mike...if he ain't busy, he ain't happy. Kelsey has been hanging out with her friends. She has spent a lot of time at the beach and actually has a tan. (I know, right? Who knew vampire white chicks could tan?) She's done quite a few sleep overs, gone to the mall, baked...just stuff. She also got sick for the first time since she was around 6. It lasted all of 3 days, but was funny as all get out. Her tongue and uvula swolled up. (that was for you Texans) She went with her friends to a sleepover where they camped out. Allergies took over and she paid the price. Wish I had thought to take a picture. Tonight there is a going away party for one of her friends. They are having to move back to the US. After the party everyone well be coming back here for a sleepover. I can't tell you how overjoyed Mike is. He got all kinds of giddy and his hippity hop clapping dance.

I know you have been wondering how my "garden" is doing. ....not so hot. The herbs are doing great and are used constantly. I have one cucumber. ONE. It's still growing though. I have one Tomato. ONE. It's still green. I have one pepper. ONE. It hasn't grown a bit. My corn though, it's growing big time. Hopefully it produces! (notice a "hope" them to today's post?)

We took a shot at making our own pizza this past week. It was fun. We kind of screwed up in putting the ingredients together and ended up having to make a double batch. It worked out though. What wasn't eaten that night was gone by the end of breakfast the next day.

Some fun shots of Mike and Marty playing "card wars". That's what Marty calls it. He has been practicing a lot ever since he has seen Mike's office mates doing it at work. He was completely impressed by Mark Lee's ability to throw a card so hard that it rips in half. If you look closely at the second picture, you can see Mike's card in front of Marty's elbow. Hence Marty's "OMG" face as he is trying to throw one back. And throw one back he did...he nailed Mike in the nose!

As most of you know I also write a blog about the kids Diabetes, The DiabeticDuo. I have also taken on a project called Diabetes 365. This is a group on Flickr where diabetics take a picture a day to represent their lives with Diabetes. I don't know if I will be able to keep it up for an entire year, but I am going to give it a shot. I think between both Mike and myself, we can get it done. You can go to the D365 site to see all of the pictures or you can go to the DiabeticDuo blog. I am also posting them on the DiabeticDuo facebook page as well. So, you have options if you would like to see a picture a day from the Porter's.

Mike went back to work last week. (Long Holiday break) He is happy to be back. I am sure he was bored to tears here at home. And definitely over playing scrabble and canasta. Lastly, I am still looking for work. I have a couple of options in front of me finally, so I hope to have good news within the next two weeks. Everyone keep your fingers crossed!!

Monday, January 4, 2010

My "Garden"

I don't know if you can quite call it a garden, but it's my attempt to grow veges with no yard. I have tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce (on it's second round and I am ashamed to say I didn't quite pick the first round quick enough), chives, rosemary, basil, limes, and corn. My corn is pitiful. I was kind of in a rush on planting and dropped two of the plants on their stalks. Thus crushing them. Oh well....4 stalks should make enough for one meal, right??

We are on our last week of vacation. I think Mike is ready to go back to work. He has been working is booty off on a e-commerce site for me. Hopefully we will be ready to launch next week. The kids are in full summer swing. Kelsey has been out and about daily. If she isn't at the beach, she is at the mall or someones house. Marty has been getting together quite a bit with a friend from school. He also starts summer camp next week.
Most of you who read this blog are from the States and are having one hell of winter. I know you probably don't want to hear about how we are growing vegetables, walking on the beach and enjoying the bright blue sky in New Zealand.......(hehehehee)