Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Armageddon, Tramping, Nanny and Mike's Work

Hello Everyone. I know I have been slacking on the posts, thanks for being patient. We haven't been out to do a whole lost the last couple of weeks, but I do have some pictures for you. Two weeks ago we went to Armageddon which is NZ version of Comicon. It was my first time to one of these things. It was cool to see all of the new video games coming out and the people all dressed up. We sat and listened to Seth Green give a little talk about his new show coming out Titan Maximum. Marty waited patiently for about 15 minutes with his hand in the air for his turn to talk to Seth. He wanted to do his impersonation of Chris from The Family Guy and ask him a question. However, he didn't inform the mic guy and he took off after Marty asked his question. He was so disappointed he didn't get to do his impersonation. He was stoked though to have been able to talk to him. Seth called him "Boy in Hat". The third picture is Marty with an actor who has a movie coming out this year. Have no idea what it's called, but hey maybe it will be a big hit.

We went on mini hike that same weekend. It's called tramping here, my stand in joke is that every time I say "I went tramping" I feel like I should be in heels and a short skirt. (dang, that would be a sight...something I should use to threaten my kids with I think. You act up I will dress like this in front of your friends!!! KEEP IT UP!) We found a park and walking area that is along the cliffs right in our own neighborhood. When we walked down the cliff side there were several people fishing right off the rocks.

If you look closely at the first picture there is a bird in the bottle brushes. The first few times I saw this bird it was always in the same area. The very first time I felt bad because I thought someone had lost their pet parrot. The next few times I thought the bird was really smart to stick around thinking that maybe it's owner would find it. What a ding bat. I have no idea what this bird is, but it's beautiful....and obviously not a pet.

The second picture is Marty rolling down a hill. It's not a good picture because the hill was really big and steep. He was yelling the whole way down as we laughed and tried to get him to not be so loud. Let's just say all of the lovely quiet families who are trying to teach their kids cricket stopped to look at the loud Americans.

My mom came in this past weekend. Nanny will be here until the end of December. She came bearing gifts...Spices, Transformers 2, and Tampons. Yes, I said tampons. Let's just say the tampons here are meant for the...fragile and dainty. Kelsey was beyond stoked to have her Kotex. Weird how things you would never imagine doing so, make you happy.

Mom has actually done pretty well with the time change. She was able to stay up until 10 last night, which is pretty good within the first week. We have plans to get out and sight see over the warmer months...whenever they decide to arrive.

Lastly, here are some pictures from Mike's work. The first two are from his classroom and the rest are of his co-workers during the Halloween gathering. Not too many people dressed up, but at least they gathered...until the beer was gone.

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