Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Kelly Tarlton's

We went to Kelly Tarlton's this weekend. Kelly's is the first underground aquarium. It's small and expensive, but what it offers is pretty cool. It's also a great thing to do on a rainy Sunday.

The first couple of pictures are supposed to be from camps in the Antarctic.

From there we went rode in a Snow Cat to go through the penguine area. We were lucky that our ride was during feeding time. It gave me a good perspective on acutally how big the King Penguines are.

If you look really close to the center picture, you will see a baby chick in the back. It's huge, but it blends in with the rocks. They have it behind a wavy glass to keep it seperated from the adults.

This is the start of the under water tunnel. You ride a walking conveyor belt (like at the big airports) while sharks and fish swim all around and above you. This was really neat and dark for pictures, but Mike did a good job. We rode this thing two and half times around. I was making sure we got our money's worth!

If you look a the first picture, Mike took this through some rocks. You can see the tunnel in the back of the picture. The third one is of a shark egg. That was cool, you could see the shark moving around inside.

Now those are big "crayfish". Marty sitting next to them gives you an idea.

A parana and a very pregnant seahorse.
It was a fun day for the Porter's. This weekend is supposed to be nice, so we are going to get out and do a day hike. Haven't decided where, but you will find out next week.

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